Should You Worry About Joints Cracking or Popping?
Cracking and popping joints, medically known as crepitus, are normal. Joints are points in your body where two bones meet. You might occasionally hear your knees popping or notice your back or bones crack as you move them.
Patients with depression may have increased rates of complications after TKA
Results presented here showed patients with depression undergoing total knee arthroplasty experienced an increased risk of medical and surgical complications, readmissions and reoperations.
How to Treat Wrist Ganglion Cyst
A wrist ganglion cyst is a swelling that usually occurs around the hand or wrist. A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled capsule; they are not cancerous, will not spread, and while they may grow in size, they will not spread to other parts of your body.
What to know about disability for back pain
Some individuals with back pain may be eligible for a range of disability benefits. The eligibility requirements for these benefits may vary by state and depend on the cause of a person’s back pain.
Frozen shoulder research may hold the key to understanding fibrosis resolution
Frozen shoulder is a painful and disabling condition affecting the ligaments that form the shoulder joint capsule.